The Green Lie. Can the frog be honest, please? | Anatxu Zabalbeascoa & Bruno Sauer | The Context of Sustainable Architecture

The Green Lie. Can the frog be honest, please? | Anatxu Zabalbeascoa & Bruno Sauer | The Context of Sustainable Architecture

El pròxim dimecres 28 de maig del 2014 a les 17:30h, al Roca Barcelona Gallery, es durà a terme la sessió “The Green Lie. Can the frog be honest, please? que es tractarà d’una conversació entre els ponents Anatxu Zabalbeascoa i Bruno Sauer.El próximo miércoles 28 de mayo del 2014 a las 17:30h, en el Roca Barcelona Gallery, se realizará la sesión “The Green Lie. Can the frog be honest, please?” que constará de una conversación entre los ponentes Anatxu Zabalbeascoa y Bruno Sauer.

Green is ‘cool’ and interesting but, in the end, difficult if you want to be precise. How do we get a grip on our ecological footprint? We read about it everywhere and very convincing people tell us how many KWh and tons of CO2 have been saved, so that we can learn from them. But is this what should be communicated?

There is ‘greenwashing’ all over the place, while at the same time technically complex rating systems and software are generating a plethora of eco-qualifications.

How do we explain all this in a clear and truthful way to our fellow architects, to politicians, to the users of our buildings? Is creating awareness enough and are all these means vehicles in a constant process of improvement? Or should we try to make people aware of the exact consequences of their actions, so that they can really make a difference?

Per a més informació sobre el nostre seminari de The Context of Sustainable Architecture feu click aquí.

Es prega registre previ per cada conversació.

Green is ‘cool’ and interesting but, in the end, difficult if you want to be precise. How do we get a grip on our ecological footprint? We read about it everywhere and very convincing people tell us how many KWh and tons of CO2 have been saved, so that we can learn from them. But is this what should be communicated?

There is ‘greenwashing’ all over the place, while at the same time technically complex rating systems and software are generating a plethora of eco-qualifications.

How do we explain all this in a clear and truthful way to our fellow architects, to politicians, to the users of our buildings? Is creating awareness enough and are all these means vehicles in a constant process of improvement? Or should we try to make people aware of the exact consequences of their actions, so that they can really make a difference?

Para más información sobre nuestro seminario de The Context of Sustainable Architecture haz click aquí.

Se ruega registro previo por cada conversación.