The meaning of architecture without new buildings | Hans Ibelings & Peter Sweatman | The Context of Sustainable Architecture

The meaning of architecture without new buildings | Hans Ibelings & Peter Sweatman | The Context of Sustainable Architecture

El pròxim dijous 29 de maig del 2014 a les 10h, al Roca Barcelona Gallery, es durà a terme la sessió “The meaning of architecture without new buildings” que es tractarà d’una conversació entre els ponents Hans Ibelings i Peter Sweatman.El próximo miércoles 29 de mayo del 2014 a las 10h, en el Roca Barcelona Gallery, se realizará la sesión “A traumatic energy revolution or a big déjà vu?“que constará de una conversación entre los ponentes Chris Goodall y Alex Ivancic.

It is fairly evident that there will be no need for more new buildings in Europe for some years to come, not only because of the large existing stocks but also due to demographics. However, we can improve the quality and comfort of our cities by changing and transforming existing real estate. The city has come of age, no longer growing but maturing. It therefore needs maintenance and updating, but no further growth.

This new horizon requires a drastic redefinition of the role of the architect and of the whole construction sector. At the same time, the importance of architecture on a socio-cultural level will change, while this transformation will be absolutely necessary to re-legitimize our profession in an economic sense.

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It is fairly evident that there will be no need for more new buildings in Europe for some years to come, not only because of the large existing stocks but also due to demographics. However, we can improve the quality and comfort of our cities by changing and transforming existing real estate. The city has come of age, no longer growing but maturing. It therefore needs maintenance and updating, but no further growth.

This new horizon requires a drastic redefinition of the role of the architect and of the whole construction sector. At the same time, the importance of architecture on a socio-cultural level will change, while this transformation will be absolutely necessary to re-legitimize our profession in an economic sense.

Para más información sobre nuestro seminario de The Context of Sustainable Architecture haz click aquí.

Se ruega registro previo por cada conversación.